Kārnamā mobile app is designed for art enthusiasts and artists who want to learn more about contemporary art on a daily basis. Users are able to sign up for their favorite courses, learn about art through interactive modules, and listen to interview podcasts with contemporary artists. The app equips users with offline capabilities, catering to daily commuters and effectively overcoming challenges posed by sluggish data speeds.




Kaarnamaa Institute of Art & Visual Culture

Project Type

Product Design


Lead UX/UI Designer


Kārnamā, A mobile
app for Fine Art


Fine art has been considered a luxury, accessible only to those with higher economic means and beyond the reach of many. The mobile app design for Kārnamā changes this narrative.


The Kārnamā app revolutionizes fine art accessibility by offering curated educational content like journals, interactive class modules, and podcasts. Users can download these resources for offline access, ensuring seamless learning even in low-connectivity environments. With its low-bandwidth optimization, the app caters to users from diverse backgrounds, enhancing accessibility. Moreover, by offering affordable educational resources, Kārnamā removes financial barriers to art education, making it accessible to a wider audience.

View Final Solution

Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Milanote, Notion



User Interviews

We conducted 15 interviews with both current and prospective users of the Kārnamāa website to identify the pain points they encounter during interaction. Additionally, we gathered insights on desired features that users believe should be added to the app but are currently absent on the website.

Key Takeaways

90% of interviewees highlighted the importance of having an offline mode, considering it highly beneficial.


85% of participants expressed a strong desire for additional sorting and search options within the archive.


80% of users encountered difficulties loading the website when using mobile data.

User Persona Analysis

We identified four different personas based on a combination of survey insights and our affinity map. The need to access a reliable and centralized source of contemporary art content was shared among all, however, the access to affordable courses and offline capabilities were unique to specific groups.

More on our User Personas.
User Flow

We identified four different personas based on a combination of survey insights and our affinity map. The need to access a reliable and centralized source of contemporary art content was shared among all, however, the access to affordable courses and offline capabilities were unique to specific groups.

More on our User Personas.


Design System

To define the design system for the Kārnamā app, we conducted a thorough analysis of existing design elements and user feedback. We established a set of core design principles centered around accessibility, consistency, and user-centricity.


Cooking up a better

Based on the surveys and the client’s business goals, we chose the courses page as our landing tab, followed by journals, podcasts, archives, and favorites. This flow seemed to be successful at first, however, after a phase of user testing, we found that the users find it frustrating to see theoptions before they could enjoy the free content.

Wireframe Sketches &
Low-Fidelity Prototypes

We started with rough sketches to jot down our initial ideas and brainstorm new concepts for specific UI elements. Then, based on the feedback and insights gathered from research and analysis, we crafted a basic prototype to kickstart user testing.

High-Fidelity Prototypes

Using the feedback and insights gained from research, analysis and sketching, a low-fidelity prototype was created to begin user testing.

Art History in your pocket.

sign in / log in

Users can sign in to the app with their email or using Facebook, Gmail, or Apple ID

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